5th Generation Master Cooper in Southern Austria
Available for the first time to American winemakers, The Boswell Company introduces Austrian casks from Fassbinderei Klaus Pauscha. Jakob Pauscha and his sister Julia Kainz-Pauscha are the 5th generation to carry on their family legacy of coopering that began in 1875. Located in Carinthia, an area that historically encompassed parts of Austria and Slovenia, they specialize in large format casks. Jakob Pauscha, son of Klaus Pauscha, started at the cooperage with his father in 2011 and completed his master cooper exam with distinction in 2020. The siblings have led the cooperage together since the unexpected passing of their father Klaus Pauscha in 2021.
The Carinthia region of southern Austria is beautiful country with a winemaking tradition of over 2000 years. Flanked by the Levanttal Mountains, vines hold tight to steep slopes of slate and limestone. Wines from the region are known for their ageability - the result of alpine freshness, mineral rich soils and extended elevage in large oak casks. Winemakers in the region utilize almost exclusively Pauscha casks and barrels in their cellars, some dating back to Jakob Pauscha’s great grandfather who immigrated to the area in the interwar period of 1929.
Klaus Pauscha developed the family’s modern cask business and was a pioneer for Austrian barrels internationally starting in the early 80s. His legendary tasting ability and commitment to personally deliver the casks around Europe, led to expansion in markets throughout Italy, France and Spain. In the 10 years working together, Klaus shared with Jakob his knowledge of oak selection and the interplay of their casks with fine wine. Jakob, one of Austria’s brightest young cooperage stars, proudly carries on his father’s legacy at Fassbinderei Klaus Pauscha.
Pauscha selection tight grain Austrian & Slavonian oak, air dried 36+ months
Available in sizes from 10HL - 100HL(1000-10,000L)
Customized to your preference for door, valves and fittings
Stave thickness 55-75mm
Pauscha selection tight grain Austrian and Slavonian oak, air dried 36+ months
Stave thickness 45mm.
Available in 500L, 600L & 750L
Customized to your preference for valves and fittings.
“Just before the next harvest, we make our first racking from the big casks. Every parcel has it’s own cask, traditionally from 700 to 4,000-liter casks. The oak is mainly from Styria, Lower Austria and Slovenia, produced by Pauscha in Corinthia. There is a very strong connection to this cooper, Pauscha. He is always coming to taste with me because when he is selecting the oak he needs to know how much structure needs to be in the oak. The oak is seasoned for 4-5 years before being bent over a very light toast.”